For Safety Sake!
Filling the Gap:
It takes some time, critical time, for National and International organizations to mobilize from distant rallying points. To precisely where a rapid-onset disaster, with no set path, is wreaking havoc over a vast territory. With multiple communities in its path or wake.
For this reason, in seeking the dedicated collaborators to disperse our aid through, we go local. To front-line professionals that live and work there. Fire, police, search & rescue, faith-based . . . and so forth.
Which is to say. Operationally, we defer to those on-site that have a pulse of the situation to know best. To like-minded professionals immersed in the issues from a local’s perspective. Select, boots on-the ground, community-based women and men hands-on to their citizens’ emerging critical needs.
Expert administrative responders. Working in predictable, yet varying life-preserving situations. This is what they train for!
Part of the preferred “whole community” approach to local operations. In accordance with FEMA principles.